Thanks for the Insights About Esther

Re The Lessons of Purim, For the Journey, February

I want to express my appreciation to David Webber for his article about the Old Testament book of Esther. My Sunday morning Bible study group recently decided to study the Old Testament books of Ruth and Esther and came to some remarkable discoveries in connecting these books with the history of salvation in the New Testament. The books of Ruth and Esther are indeed fascinating stories and although God is not mentioned in this book by name, we see God’s redeeming work all over these pages. Your article really brought out that our covenant God indeed has the history of this world in His hands and is on every page of the Bible. It is important for us to connect the dots between the Old and New Testaments and we can do so by taking the time to study God’s word. On behalf of the Bible study group at St. Andrew’s, Toronto, thanks for this enlightening article. Let’s have more of this.