LOLing About on the Interwebs

It’s a multi-campus church with 13 “physical sites” from Florida to California. LifeChurch currently leads 49 weekly worship services and reaches over 23,000 people. And LifeChurch is also available as a fully functional “internet church” where people at home can take part in the services in multiple ways.

Gifts of Change
In Kenya and Malawi, the distance between churches can make it nearly impossible for young ministers to reach rural areas. But for only a small one-time gift of $150 you or your church family can buy a mountain bike that will allow these ministers to be three times more active in remote churches.

The Lolcat Bible
The Lolcat Bible is an attempt to put the entire Bible into “lolspeak” or internet slang. It will use the new international language of the internet, mainly that of, and memes (catchphrases, internet inside jokes and viral videos). This Bible is a completely new way of communicating the Bible. Here’s a sample from the Lord’s Supper in Mark 14:22: “Wen dey wer nommin Happy Cat taek teh cheezburger an brek it, an he sez, ‘Taek dis cheezburger an eet it, cuz dis liek mah bodi. But dun reely nom me. Just nom teh cheezburger an pretend it mah bodi. K?'”

Interview with Julie Clawson
This delightful interview with Julie Clawson discusses her new book Everyday Justice. It focuses on how to easily serve others through your everyday lifestyle.
search for: Julie Clawson

“Money cannot buy health, but I’d settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.”
— Dorothy Parker