Whinging Faiz

Re Passive Activism, March

Having just read Andrew Faiz’s article on the TV fundraisers for Haiti I’m still shaking my head! Hey, a whole industry gets mobilized to raise millions for the destitute and all they get is some kind of grudging acknowledgement buried in a bunch of whinging.

I have had the privilege of spending a career in broadcasting, working with some of the best in the industry — some of them even Presbyterians — and can guarantee you that they did not wake up they day after the earthquake thinking, “Who can I manipulate or “corporatize” today?”

Just like the rest of us, they did what they were best equipped to do. They quickly swung into action using the skills, talents and tools of the trade that they were blessed to have at their disposal.

Faiz tried to excuse himself by admitting to being just a little cynical and sarcastic but nice try — like being a little bit pregnant methinks.

We now have Faiz’s views of mainstream media but what about so-called Christian media? Ever listen to that? By scanning AM and shortwave bands after the disaster I could not believe the vindictive and punitive vitriolic being spewed all over North America at night from the powerful evangelical superstations. They would have us believe that God sent the earthquake as both punishment and warning, that Haitians made a pact with the devil, and look out ’cause we might be next! No mercy there. No donations either.