Faith in Action

I sat on the deck chair, enveloped in a blanket of warm, summer sun.  There was no wind (a rarity in the north) and as my eyes checked my hanging patience plants I noticed a thin silken thread hanging from the eaves trough.

I watched as the tiny spider at its end, without fear, spun itself down until it rested on a nearby chair.  It was really faith in action.

I, who hate to jump past two steps and get aches in my thighs watching TV people leap off buildings, couldn’t imagine hanging in space eight feet off the ground.

I’m sure someone could explain about the instincts of insects, but my fear is instinctive too … it is self-preservation.

But there are times when we are asked to take off from our security source and leap out in faith.  Perhaps it is a new job, a new relationship, a new town or as it was for me, a new title … ”widow.”

If I‘d known then what I know now I would have said, “There’s no way can I handle all that.” The legal, financial and relationship changes were staggering.  But God was with me in the presence of family and friends.  They had always been with me but now their value shone forth. When I faltered they were there to hold me up.

My new life is slowly taking shape and amid the challenges and crises there are moments like today when I have the freedom to be responsible just to myself, and to sit in the sun, listen to bird song and watch the miracle of a tiny spider leaping into space.

These last two years have been just that … a leap into space. My faith, family and friends have been the strong thread that has allowed me to take that leap.  I gaze in wonder at the tiny spider and realize that I have not fallen to pieces and am no longer afraid of change.