Enlightened Discussion

Re: Laws and Motions, April

As a former geologist, retired minister, and current secretary/treasurer of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, I would like to commend to Presbyterians this very concise article on Darwin by Calvin Brown. His is a healthy approach to a complex issue and I would recommend the article as a valid discussion document for youth and adults on the issue of Darwinian Evolution and Christian Faith.

I find it particularly helpful that the article comes from the “Renewal” column. It reminds me of the fact that the development of “ancient earth geology” in the 1800s stemmed considerably from leaders within the evangelical wing of our tradition and the Free Church movement. In particular this includes Thomas Chalmers (namesake of many of our churches), and Hugh Miller, in Scotland, and Sir J. William Dawson in Canada (McGill University). I personally derive great inspiration such figures of our past and their varying ways of reconciling science of the day to their Christian walk. I say this with caution, however, as the thoughts and cultures of different times are seldom directly transferrable.

Brown includes a prayer that “the black hood of prejudice will not cover the head of science and that the blindfold of ignorance will not keep out the light of discovery from the eyes of faith.” This reminds me very much of Einstein’s observation that “science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind”. My prayer is that Brown’s article will not generate the usual series of endless debates and comments, but will serve as a useful foundation for ongoing and enlightened discussion.