General Assembly Coverage Online

The Record and the church’s communications office will be collaborating this year to bring Presbyterians the best coverage possible of the 136th General Assembly in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

As always, the Record‘s July/August issue will feature a full report on the assembly, but the Record website ( as well as the PCC’s site ( will give readers an up-to-the-minute glimpse into what’s happening in Sydney.

Record and Communications staff will be taking photos throughout the event, which will be uploaded to a flickr account linked through both websites. There may also be an opportunity for commissioners to post their photos to the same flickr account. The Record will also provide daily reports on the business of the day; the church, in contrast will provide its regular “Daily Digest” which summarizes other happenings at assembly such as special speakers, guests, and the E.H. Johnson luncheon.

Colin Carmichael, head of the communications department, will be offering live “tweets” of what’s going on in Sydney. Special moments will be videotaped and uploaded to YouTube. The Record site will feature commissioner bloggers who will offer personal insight into assembly business.

Both sites will feature links to the other, offering a simple way to find assembly coverage no matter which portal readers prefer. — AM