Rev. Harvey Self, Moderatorial Year, 2009-2010

Induction as the Moderator of the 135th General Assembly.
Induction as the Moderator of the 135th General Assembly.

The Dash Poem
(Revised) by Harvey Self;
Apologies to Linda Ellis

I heard of a man who stood to speak
When his Moderatorial Year was done.
He referred to the dates in the Blue Book,
And how quickly they passed anon.

He noted that first came his Induction
On a warm night in Hamilton,
And now how his journey had taken him,
To the College of Cape Breton.

He shared with the Assembly of all the time
He spent travelling far and near,
To represent the PCC
Always lending a listening ear.

He shared that his message was simple
“Love others as you too are loved.
Make sure that your life really matters
To our Lord and King above.”

Subscript: The Dash Poem — A life, a career, a significant period of time, is described by the date it began and the date it ended with a dash in the middle. The dash represents the life of that person, that event, that period of significance.

Rev. Harvey Self with Presbyterian chaplain Ken McRae at CFB Winnipeg.
Rev. Harvey Self with Presbyterian chaplain Ken McRae at CFB Winnipeg.
With his wife, Jayne in Ghana
With his wife, Jayne in Ghana
With Rev. Glenn Ball receiving prayer shawls at Kildonan, Winnipeg.
With Rev. Glenn Ball receiving prayer shawls at Kildonan, Winnipeg.
At WICM in Winnipeg.
At WICM in Winnipeg.
With Presbyterian chaplains Dwight Nelson, Bonnie Mason and Dave Kettle at the Chaplain’s School, CFB Borden.
With Presbyterian chaplains Dwight Nelson, Bonnie Mason and Dave Kettle at the Chaplain’s School, CFB Borden.