A Call for Sermon Topics, YouTube Style

Rev. Scott McAndless of Knox, Leamington, Ont., has issued a request to the unchurched internet users of the world: “Please tell me what to preach about.”

In a four-minute video posted on the popular website YouTube, McAndless calls on those who are “not part of the church, [don’t] really want to be part of the church, maybe wouldn’t be caught dead in church … Well, maybe dead, but definitely not before,” to tell him what they think are topics worthy of discussion in a Presbyterian sermon.

“It’ll make for some really interesting sermons, and will make us approach things from another point of view,” he suggested. “It will push us in our faith.”

McAndless has asked for preaching topics before. Last summer, members of Knox asked their faith questions via a camera station set up in the church. Questions included: how do we know whether someone enters eternal life? And what is the Presbyterian position on vegetarianism?

The video can be found by searching for its title, “Please tell me what to preach about” on YouTube.com, and sermons are available at knoxknotes.com.