General Assembly 2010

Unable to Act
A report from the 136th General Assembly.
by Ruth Houtby


Healing in our Midst
Assembly listens to residential school experiences.
by Connie Purvis

Dragging the Anchor
If Assembly never met again, would anyone notice?
by Calvin Brown

Business News
More committees, more studies, more status quo.
by Connie Purvis, Amy MacLachlan

Identity Crisis
Thoughts on the 136th General Assembly
by Andrew Faiz

Business in Brief – June 11, 2010
by Connie Purvis

Business Briefs – June 10, 2010
by Connie Purvis

Business in Brief – June 9, 2010
by Amy MacLachlan

Business in Brief – June 8, 2010
by Connie Purvis and Amy MacLachlan

Daily Digests
A run-down of each day provided by the Communications office.

136th General Assembly Makes Headlines
Local press picks up stories of church’s national gathering.