Long time coming

While the article is a long time coming and certainly shows the changed and changing church, Faiz falls slightly into the trap of generalizing towards a culture.

While indeed the background of the Presbyterian Church is Scottish, I take issue with the assumption that those of us with Scottish backgrounds have “the ability to roll Rs.” Not true!

While some Scottish members and ministers do indeed talk with Scottish accents (Rs and all), they are few and getting fewer, with the slackening off of immigration from there.

While the bulk of members who are of Scottish heritage by benefit of their name and lineage do not and never will. Of the churches I have attended, I have not met one Scottish-Canadian who can, and actually find them to sometimes struggle.

The skin colour reference is fair; the R rolling is not naive but rather a ridiculous generalization.
Good point about those silly, pseudo Scottish celebrations such of the Kirkin of the Tartan (ancestor worship?) and Tartan Sundays. Most are attended by dewy-eyed Scots and Scots Canadians, inserting traditions that just didn’t happen back there.

About Rod Scott, Scarborough, Ont.