Stories of Generosity

Rev. Dr. Gale addresses the assembly
Rev. Dr. Gale addresses the assembly

His name is Percy.

He is a frequent visitor at the Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry Centre, dropping in for a cup of coffee and a sandwich or some homemade bannock. His home is a makeshift tent he has erected on the banks of the Saskatchewan River. Percy is a survivor, not only of the streets and hard winters of Saskatoon, but also of the residential school system. Taken from his family when he was only a child, forced to stop speaking his native language and abused by staff, he, like so many of the children ripped from their homes and culture, continues to carry the scars from that experience. A chronic alcoholic, he has been unable to hold down a job or sustain a relationship. He remains married to his wife, but he understands that he is welcome home only when he is sober.

Last fall, Percy mentioned to Rev. Stewart Folster, director of the SNCM, that he would be receiving a financial settlement from the federal government for the years he had spent in the school system and the years of abuse. “When I get the money, I would like to make a gift to the centre,” Percy promised. The following February, a taxi carrying Percy and his wife arrived at the centre. Percy waited in the taxi while his wife walked inside and handed Stewart an envelope containing the gift her husband had promised. Inside was a cheque for $1,000. The SNCM staff decided to use the money to purchase a commercial meat slicer, something both useful and long lasting.

When I asked Stewart how he feels about Percy’s gift, his response was immediate: “It gives me hope that the people who were in the residential school system will find healing and reconciliation.” Percy’s generous gift speaks eloquently to the kind of ministry that SNCM provides. Look out in the congregation during the centre’s Sunday worship service and you will find Percy singing hymns of praise with the gathered community. He is no longer just a survivor, he is a child of God.

During my moderatorial year, I am inviting each of us and all of us to resolve to help grow the generosity of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I am also inviting Presbyterians from across Canada to share the stories of generosity that have impacted their lives and the life of the church. I’ll be sharing some of those stories in my monthly column for the Record and on the moderator’s website.

I am looking forward to hearing those stories and sharing them with the church, for they are all signs of hope and reminders of what God can do through God’s grace. My guess is that in the sharing of our stories of generosity, we will all be amazed. After all, if an unnamed boy with five small loaves and two fish can be enough to feed a multitude when placed in Jesus’ hands, just imagine what Jesus could have done with a meat slicer!

About Herb Gale

Rev. Dr. Herb Gale is associate secretary of Planned Giving. Follow his journey as moderator by reading his blog at