Caring for the Community

St. Andrew’s, Nanaimo, B.C., is rediscovering its connection to the community. The congregation feeds about 100 people twice a month — about 80 of those are students from the high school across the road.

“We are very aware that there are people in our community who are hungry — students that are hungry as well,” said Rev. Ron Fischer. “We are here and we care.”

Loaves and Fishes, a separate food distribution program in Nanaimo, operates out of the church building, and takes advantage of St. Andrew’s volunteers. Together, they serve about 35 adults and 15 to 20 children weekly.

St. Andrew’s Food Voucher program provides $50 vouchers from local food marts to assist families in need.

Four new programs are being launched this September. Music for Tots and Music for Kids will offer weekly doses of music and drama. A financial management course, and the Dynamic Marriage ministry offers hope for a stable family life. “Happy families are generally more resilient to the storms of life, which makes for better communities. What better results can a church pray for than that?” asks Fischer. — St. Andrew’s, Nanaimo