Ecumenical Economics

With all the doom and gloom about closing churches, perhaps it is a way for us to close ranks and achieve the “unity” that Jesus longed for and “so the world could believe”.

In my small city of 32,000 (last census) we have: 2 Catholic churches, 2 United churches, 2 Lutheran churches, 1 each of Anglican, Presbyterian, Orthodox, Alliance, Nazarene, Baptist, Bethany Pentecostal churches and several evangelical groups, plus of course the Salvation Army. All are Christian churches with the Christian message — all with duplicate financial boards and expenses of maintaining buildings.

If in the future some can no longer carry on financially, will the Christian message die out? Not very likely, but a more Ecumenical hierarchy might emerge to the glory of God.

About H. Beaugrand, Penticton, B.C.