Housekeeping Alert

Re: If All Are One, How Far Does It Go? — June

This thought provoking article challenges us to either believe what the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 3:23 or to write him off as a raving maniac.

If we write him off, then we cannot legitimately accept any of the other directives Paul wrote for Christians to follow. If we say Paul spoke the truth, then we as Christians have a lot of personal housekeeping to do to put things right by accepting Paul’s difficult teachings.

It would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for everyone to agree with Paul’s words. Especially with the idea of male and female being the same in Jesus the Christ.

Tradition said “No,” to Jesus Christ when he broke with the then Jewish traditions. Tradition said “No,” to Paul and his ideas espoused in Galatians 3:23. All down through history tradition has said “No,” to equality of the sexes and the races. When tradition learns to accept Jesus’ radical teachings then there may be able hope for the acceptance of Galatians 3:23 and for it to becoming the norm.

It would seem tradition outranked both Jesus and Paul and it intends to outrank anyone who would seek to have the words of Galatians 3:23 become the norm. Tradition does not have the capacity to love. Tradition only knows how to stifle love.