St. Andrew’s, Victoria, B.C.

submitted by Marilyn Bullock
Photos by John Mitchell

What I love most is to see our congregational members. Some attend with visiting family and others bring senior members who find it difficult to come on their own. I am extremely grateful for their sincere kindness and contributions, as they insist on including them. They are truly pillars of sustainability in our church membership. Others, who have once come as couples and now come by themselves, are to be admired because their faith has sustained them through difficult times and losses. We are very aware of those who are missing due to illness, or of those who have taken holidays. And we are pleased to see and welcome them back. We miss them when they are gone.

The amazing gift that comes with sitting in the balcony is watching the children running and tripping as they race to the front for Sunday school. You see their smiling faces, the excitement and delight at being the centre of attention. They are an inspiration to the congregation and we look forward to seeing them each Sunday morning.

What is not to love about the spirit within this church? Be it its sanctuary, the dedication of its members, the fellowship and the gratefulness that we embrace each week, we are blessed to have a church in which to give thanks. 

The entire sanctuary envelops you while you silently sit in prayer. This truly is the most beautiful church.