National Staff Milestones

Two staff at national offices hit major milestones in September. Kim Arnold, the church’s head archivist, marked 30 years with the PCC, and Terrie-Lee Hamilton celebrated 20 years as senior administrator in the General Assembly Office.

Arnold began her work at the national Presbyterian archives in 1980, with a black rotary telephone, an Underwood typewriter and a steep learning curve ahead. Thirty years later, she says she is still learning and still loving her job.

“At the core of it, I still love the fact that my records and my work span from the 1700s to 2010,” she said.

Hamilton, who spends much of her time tackling the mammoth task of organizing General Assembly, said the office has undergone many changes over the years. Most include offering greater support to the committees of assembly, presbytery and synod clerks, and commissioners at assembly.

“It is working with people from one end of the country to the other that gives me the greatest fulfilment.” — C. P. and A.M.