Guided by God

Re A Letter Home, The Messy Table, Sept. 6

I, too, went through a job loss a few years ago (after 26 years!) and had the feelings of anger, frustration, fear, loss of self worth. After a few months, I grabbed onto a job that I ended up hating, and felt such despair! However, I truly believed that God was guiding me along a path that tested me, my stamina, my faith (that was sorely lacking! I hadn’t been to church for more than a few token Christmases for years and years.)

After nearly a year at this gruesome job, one Saturday, for some unknown reason, I looked at the classifieds in the paper – the tiny ones that no one notices – and there was a job posting for St. Andrew’s, Ottawa, running the church office. Hmm, different (I had been in banking for 35 years!) but why not…

Well, not only have I been running that church office for over three years now, but this wonderful church and its amazing people have given me more faith and wisdom than I ever would have hoped for. Yes, God has guided me along this path and given me peace in my heart. I am not perfect, never will be, but it’s a start!

Dearest Katie, we miss you, but I think of you and your precious family every day, saying little prayers for you, and know that you were one of the ones that has helped me in my journey. I know that your path will cross so many more, and you will help them too. Blessings to you all!

Katie Munnik replies: I heard a wonderful sermon on Sunday about the preaching that a congregation does. The gospel preached in a church isn’t just the gospel read from the lectern but the gospel lived by those in the pews. Amen to that.