Granola and Green Bibles

Website: The Simple Way
Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Simple Way (also called the Potter Street Community) is not a church per se, but is rather a group of people attempting to find new ways to live as the church within their community. While some might say “hippies” or “granolas,” this group self identifies as “new monastics” and began when several ivy-league seminarians went out to live with the homeless. They live in abandoned places, dumpster dive for food, share everything, provide for anyone who asks, grow community gardens, provide for the homeless, addicts and neighbourhood interests. Co-founder Shane Claiborne has served with one of the United States’ largest and fastest growing churches (Willow Creek Community) and also in Calcutta with Mother Teresa.

Bible: The Green Bible
The Green Bible is just what you might expect it to be. It’s a “green-letter” edition of the Bible where passages that speak to God’s care for creation are highlighted in green. Endorsed by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Barbara Brown Taylor, Pope John Paul II, N.T. Wright and Brian McLaren, this Bible is loaded with additional quotations, a green topical index, study guides and practical environmental steps anyone can take. Oh, and of course it’s printed on recycled paper, using soy-based ink for print and has a raw cotton/linen cover.

Kitsch: Information Age Prayer
Good news! If you’re a Roman Catholic and you have some Hail Marys to say or would like to limit a loved one’s time in purgatory, Information Age Prayer is here to free up some time by doing those prayers for you. That’s right, for a small fee per prayer, Information Age Prayer will have a computer (text to voice) do those prayers for you. But don’t worry, due to an increase in business, Muslims can now use this service, too and so can we. Just click on the tab “Protestant” and you’re on your way!

Video: My name is John Daker
What do you get when you mix classic church music with Dean Martin’s Amore on public access television and forget the words? Hilarity! Okay, so maybe it’s not your particular cup of tea but I, and millions of other online viewers (and re-mixers) just can’t seem to stop watching this clip.
Search for “my name is John Daker.”

“Most people are bothered by those passages of scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand.”
–Mark Twain