Of Surgery

June 24, 2002

Finally some definite news! Harry’s to get his three teeth extracted locally.  His surgery is booked for July 3, so we’ll probably drive to Edmonton Sunday, pre-admission is Tuesday, and maybe on Monday we can make arrangements for accommodation when we are there for Harry’s radiation.

I’m glad the cold I have has cleared … I pray Harry doesn’t get it, this surgery is so important.  He is enjoying his last few games of golf and we had supper with friends tonight.  He has requested strudels (his favorite meal) for Wednesday.  Afraid it will soon be soft foods and fluids for a while.

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June 27, 2002

Harry had three teeth out yesterday. His mouth is quite sore. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of pain pills.

We got a get-well card from Dr. J and his wife.  We were really touched by it. We have had so many cards of comfort. Our friends are so kind. I know they feel as helpless as I do.

Harry saw his friend P. out at the golf course. Although P. was in good humor, Harry said it was heart-breaking to see him so ill with his cancer. He was diagnosed the same week as Harry.

Sunday we head to Edmonton for pre-admission. It is nice to see Lyn and the kids again but I am beginning to know every inch of that highway.

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June 30, 2002

Harry has been feeling very unwell last few days.  Maybe he picked up the virus I had two weeks ago.  He is resting and hopefully will feel better tomorrow. His mouth is sore from his dental extractions. Everything scares me nowadays and I continue to pray that all is okay.

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July 1, 2002

Lyn drove Harry to Emergency at 3:00 am … he was in so much face pain, but the doctor said he is okay and put him on codeine.

He was much better next day but looks exhausted.  We watched a movie, then he slept, but  was up at 5:00 a.m. for another pain pill. Today he’s okay.

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July 3, 2002 – Surgery Day

We were up at 5:00 a.m. Both of us had had a fairly good sleep.  Roman dropped us off at the hospital for Harry’s early surgery appointment. I am apprehensive and nervous.

Without any fuss he is quickly disrobed, put into a gown and on a stretcher. He is fixed up with IV etc. for insulin as his count was up at 21 for pre-admission yesterday. It was up to 15 last night but he was in no mood to try to bring it down and had seemed almost comatose until about 10:00 p.m.

Daughter Robin was in tears yesterday on the phone with her dad. After working so many years with him in the travel business, they have grown close and this is very hard on her.

Roman’s mom said they’d say a mass for Harry and I know the prayers of so many people are with him. I wonder how people without a faith background handle situations like this.

I am allowed to sit by his side prior to surgery.  It is strange and a bit frightening but my mother’s British background doesn’t allow for trembling lips, so I am brave … on the outside.

Harry has an anxious spell for a few minutes but settles down after he sees his doctor and the anesthesiologist. They inspire such confidence.

It is Canada Day week and the surgeon’s cap has tiny Canadian flags on it. It amuses me and is the first time I have smiled for weeks.

I find my way out of the room and look back once … he is so brave … now I wait … it is in God’s hands.

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July 4…later in the day

I know I have hours of sitting ahead of me so I find a quiet corner.  Unexpectedly the L.s show up while I am waiting and we have a nice visit.  They were in Edmonton and took time to look for me at the hospital … such wonderful earthly angels. Then, Lyn arrives. She has the afternoon off work. I’ve always been the strong one in the family so I give her a reassuring hug … but inside I am falling apart.

Harry wasn’t in his room yet so we had lunch, then about 1:10 p.m. he was wheeled in … very disoriented but okay. The doctor finally arrived at 5:30 p.m. I spoke to him briefly and he assured me Harry had done very well.  I gave Harry a goodnight kiss and Lyn and I headed to her home.

I was strung out for about two hours, then suddenly exhaustion hit and I went to bed at 9:30 p.m. and slept through until 6:00 a.m.  I awoke feeling somewhat dizzy but okay and anxious to get back to Harry’s bedside.

He looks well, just one big scar from his ear down his neck. He says his face is numb but his face muscles respond somewhat when he smiles. Our next appointment is in Edmonton in two or three weeks.  Hopefully we can start radiation soon after that.

The next day I arrived at hospital to find Harry up, showered, dressed and complaining about what awful cereal he had had for breakfast. (Yes, things are back to normal.) We waited around impatiently for marching orders and finally at 11:00 a.m. we got our release from the doctor and took a taxi to Lyn’s. Harry is exhausted and went straight to bed.

They have attached a drain to his neck and that night he inadvertently pulled it out a bit and it scared us both.  That incident activated a stomach problem he has (it never fails) but luckily we had some medication for it.  In the morning home care arrived and showed us how to clean his drain. Not so bad when you know how. What a great country we live in with so many helps when you are ill.

The Cross Cancer Clinic phoned and they have a place for us to stay during radiation and that is good news. Harry is very restless. I too sleep poorly … on alert in case he has a problem.

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July 10, 2002

Sister Carla and brother-in-law Wally arrive with their motor home.  Carla will drive our car home and Harry and I will relax in the motor home.  What a blessing.  Harry sleeps most of the way but I am busy planning our arrival.  Now his care is in my hands and I pray, pleading with God for strength, wisdom and His continuing help.