Leaving Home

September 8, 2002

We have the yard nearly ready for winter and most everything packed for our trip.  We got little information on this place where we are going to stay.  I couldn’t get a unit number or a phone number. All this confusion just adds to the stress levels we are experiencing.

Recently, Harry was very upset to find that medical insurance in the U.S. won’t be there for him for at least a year. We have often gone south for a month or so in the winter. I can’t even think about it right now.  All I want to do is get him healthy.

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September 14, 2002

A bad day … I get upset so easily nowadays.  I can handle things at home but out of the house I just can’t cope with anything that has conflict in it.  Yesterday I got so upset about something that I nearly threw up.  To church tomorrow … hope that helps.

We’re packed and ready to go for our seven weeks away.

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September 17, 2002

We had a good trip down but the unit they want to give us is $40 more per month than we expected and parking is $70 a month. Not much comfort in that news.

We got settled easily but didn’t unpack one box; those things were already here. I really wish they could have been more helpful when I called down.

Today Harry had his first treatment.  It is a good hike over to the clinic but not too bad if the weather stays nice.  Today it was glorious with autumn leaves sprinkled over the walks and the grass.

I had a terrible sleep last night. Everything is in one room so I sat and read in the bathroom for a while.  I felt like I had drunk 20 cups of coffee.  Hope tonight is better.

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September 19, 2002

Big problem! Our unit has a noisy water system.  We’ll see if they can fix it. It was so bad I tried to sleep on the bathroom floor.  I finally dozed off from 5:30 to 7:00 a.m. but Harry was up at 4:30 a.m.  The noise from the pipes is terrible and we are so on edge anyway.  We may have to move and take Lyn up on her invitation to stay with her … we can’t go on like this.

Harry says his ear is sore but there are no other effects from his radiation.

We have seen quite a bit of Lyn as she is on vacation.  She and Harry get along famously and this is really a special time for both of them.

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September 20, 2002

We have moved into Lyn’s house!  What a generous heart she has.  We have our own bathroom and TV.  I sure hope we will not be a burden and we can all get along.  God must have had this all planned for somehow it feels so right. I have claimed ownership of the kitchen during the day and try to help out with meals and housecleaning. It is the least I can do.

This weekend we went to Didsbury to visit some friends.  What sweethearts they were, the dear souls actually thought we were going to spend every weekend with them and presented us with a key.  I explained we were just there for the one weekend.  They were so gracious and my heart was touched. God has blessed us with such good friends.