Seeking Comfort and Normalcy

September 24, 2002  continued….

Harry’s treatments are going well although he was very cold for awhile this evening and it concerned me.

The volunteers at the Cross Cancer Clinic gave me tea and cookies today while I was waiting for Harry.  It made me weep.  After so many years as a hospital volunteer, I was touched by having the roles reversed.  It was a somewhat humbling experience.

I had a good chat with Lyn.  I don’t want to be a burden … emotionally or physically and I hope we can work out our own spaces here. It will be a real challenge.

Harry vacuumed today. He ended up wheezing a bit so I think it would be best if he didn’t do it again. He does want to feel useful and not like an invalid.

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September 25, 2002

I went into the radiation unit today and watched Harry’s treatment. It was strange and a bit scary but he showed no signs of nervousness.

I washed some windows and made chicken and rice for supper.  I too need to feel useful and it normalizes things.

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September 30, 2002

Harry is doing very well but was shocked yesterday to find his taste buds had vanished and his throat is sore.  If he gets his rest he should be okay.  He has been advised to eat more protein which is good for healing.  No weight loss yet.

We drove to Drumheller today with Andrea and her friend.  It was really far too long a trip for Harry but he had a good recovery and we were up mall walking in the morning.

He and Lyn went to a Hockey game tonight.  Hope he didn’t do too much yelling. (What a dreamer I am.) He’ll be tired when he gets back.

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October 5, 2002

Yesterday was the halfway mark with Harry’s treatment. He has lost his taste and his appetite but is still eating. He is choking quite easily and seems depressed.

Today we headed to the airport to meet sister Carla, then out to her place for two nights, then home again.  That’s it! No more travel as the hard part of this treatment is just beginning.  I think the realization of that has finally hit Harry.

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October 7, 2002

Daughter Robin called and will be here on the weekend. She is anxious about her Dad.

Harry has lost four pounds and we got some advice about how to swallow to help his choking. Everyone is so helpful.

He hit a wall this week. No taste, no appetite, depressed. I’m afraid it won’t be the best week coming up.  I’m okay except when I see the black circles under his eyes and the weight loss.

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October 12, 2002

Only two more weeks of radiation.  Harry is finding it quite rough and I am struggling to keep him fed.  I got a liquid supplement that, with things like eggnog and ice cream will keep him going. He knows I am concerned.  I try to hide my heartache. He has enough to bear right now.

We had a nice chat with grandson Mike.  Harry, ever the philosopher, shared some life skills. He does love that young man so much.

He has a bald patch under his right ear now (which is very tender). He is sleeping longer after his lunch but fussing a bit more at night.

God knew we needed to be here with the family.  The kids are so upbeat and Harry and Andrea’s competition over Yatzee is fun for both of them.

Sometimes I feel teary and overwhelmed but I count my blessings which are so many. I know God is here with us.

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October 22, 2002

Harry is on liquids, otherwise he chokes. He has lost more hair around his ear and at the back of his neck.

Snow here yesterday. Hope winter holds off until we get home.  I miss my home so much.  I am not sleeping and had to take aspirin for my bad hip last night.

We got our flu shots but had to wait two hours … far too hard on Harry. We saw the doctor yesterday and he seemed satisfied with his progress. We must return in a couple of months to see him and the surgeon again.

There have been so many phone calls for us that Lyn says it’s like having two more teenagers in the house.

Tomorrow is our 49th wedding anniversary. Pretty special!

* * *

October 25, 2002

Last radiation was at 10:00 a.m. Hurrah!  Then we got in the car and headed home.

We got arrived at 2:30 p.m.  After seven weeks away, did our home ever look good.  We unpacked a bit then Harry had a long sleep. He had driven all the way and was exhausted.

He has lost a lot of hair at the back of his head and is choking so easily. He threw up a mouthful of tea in the car but hopefully his throat will start to heal.  We are going to have a quiet weekend. No church for Harry but I may go.

I am forever grateful to God for so many blessings. We are doing okay.

The visit with the kids was like a big holiday and the cards, calls and letters just so special … But oh, it is so good to be safely home.