Beyond Cutbacks

Re A Shift in the Wind, December

In response to Hans Kouwenberg’s concern that with cutbacks there will be fewer “boots on the ground” to support local churches and presbyteries, I wonder if the national office has considered selling its building and land? The land could be redeveloped to include condos and office space for the national office or offices could be rented elsewhere in the city. The money saved could be used for ministry and mission.

Another possibility is to use space in several of our larger local churches across the country. This decentralized, less corporate model would support local churches and place national staff closer to the reality of those in the pews. Does Knox College have extra usable space? With modern technology, communication amongst the different branches of the church could be maintained.

Some of these possibilities may have been considered already, but if not, perhaps they should be. Many local churches are reconfiguring themselves for ministry in the 21st century, so maybe our church needs to think beyond cutbacks and consider more radical changes to the national office.