Guildwood Gives $25,000

“We’re thrilled,” said Rev. Hugh Donnelly of Guildwood Community in Toronto. “At first we knew it was an ambitious project.”

As the church prepared to celebrate its 50th anniversary throughout 2010, its leaders decided they would set a lofty mission goal: by the end of the year, they aimed to raise $25,000 to build three wells in Malawi under the auspices of Presbyterian World Service and Development.

“We were prepared to go into the 2011 calendar year and make it a year and a half project,” Donnelly said. But there was no need. By mid-November the congregation had met its goal, and funds continued to come in.

Creative fundraising initiatives included gathering small change, “turning wine into water” by donating refunds from the return of wine and beer bottles, and Sunday school children offering the contents of their piggy banks by dumping them into a wooden well. And it included more unique methods, such as one member who ran Zumba workout classes and donated a portion of the proceeds. An endowment left to the church for mission was used to match donations dollar for dollar. And each donor had a chance to win a quilt made by a member of the church.

“The congregation always comes through for mission,” Donnelly said. “It’s a passion and people just rally.” – C.Purvis