A Turn for the Worse

June 7, 2006

Harry saw the doctor recently and had a chest x-ray. We will see her in six months if everything is okay.  He did golf this weekend and enjoyed his Oilers hockey game.

There are some problems here with our condo association. Condo living is not the same as having  your own home and being able to call all the shots.  Hope it doesn’t necessitate a move.  But it has caused some heartache.

We got most of our money back from the Ireland trip we couldn’t take, but the insurance company was pretty sticky about it. More stress we didn’t need.

Harry’s eyes are giving him trouble. His physical activities have been cut back so much but he still enjoys his jig-saws and crossword puzzles so I hope his eyes are okay.

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June 22, 2006

Well … so much has happened … all these problems here with our new unit have caused us so much grief that Harry says “sell” but I am not sure if we can take another move.  I have left it in God’s hands.  Some day we will look back and understand the “why’s” of all these recent upsets … I know we are not forsaken but oh, I feel so fragile!

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July 24, 2006

Have done a complete about face and will not sell.  We came back from holidays (and our 55th school reunion) to our “home” and decided it is best to stay here. It may not be a perfect decision but perhaps it is a good one.

We had a great holiday visiting with family and friends. Harry held up quite well so that made it all that more wonderful.

His last appointment showed his cancer had grown and we are concerned, but the quality of our lives right now is pretty good.  He gets wheezy at times and a lot more tired but he isn’t coughing, losing weight, etc.  We will see the doctor in December.

Daughter Lyn was up for a visit and we keep in touch with our weekly phone calls.  I am still busy with church and am leading an Alpha Group which seems to be going okay.  Our friends J. and L. are just across the back alley. It’s a comfort to have them so close.

We had a lovely afternoon with friends at Kleskun Hills.  Sometimes we are able to just enjoy God’s world and forget all about his cancer.

It was a very busy month but the highlight was being the honorary chairpersons for the Hospital Foundation’s Festival of Trees.  Harry looked so handsome in his rented tuxedo and I was so happy to be by his side.  He’s been such a strong advocate of the foundation.

The church had a giant garage sale. I was near physical collapse by the time it was finished. It will be my swan song.  The mind is willing but the body is definitely weak.

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December 14, 2006

Very bad news … Harry’s cancer has gone into his bones. He’d been in pain for nearly two weeks and the scan showed cancer in his two lower ribs, some on his head and on his spine.

It really shook us up!  I feel numb. Harry is on strong Tylenol four times a day and we’re waiting for a call from radiation in Edmonton. Our friends have been wonderful, God is close by and the church praying for us.  I’ll try and take it a day at a time, which is all I can handle. Not sure of the prognosis on this but I don’t want to see him in pain.  It will be a bittersweet Christmas but we still have so much to be thankful for … doctors, medicine, family, friends and faith.

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December 26, 2006

Home sweet home.  We had five days in Edmonton.  The flights down were booked solid so we had to go down with the midnight bus … not the best trip for a man in so much pain.  But, the van driver at the airport was so kind and dropped us off at the cancer clinic … not his real destination.  It was obvious to him that Harry was in terrible shape.

We got Harry’s cancer spots radiated, which has cut out the pain.  We keep praying for wisdom and patience, and trusting God to work this all out.  It was hard on daughter Lyn too, seeing her Dad in so much pain.  These last two weeks have been so difficult. Thank heavens my own health is holding up and we have Lyn in Edmonton when we have to be there and Robin here at home. Our girls are such a blessing.

Tomorrow we take the tree down and 2007 is just around the corner.  What it holds is in God’s hands and I take comfort in that.

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January 4, 2007

Saw Dr. M and she assures us she will see Harry gets any pain medication he needs and radiation when essential. His cancer is not life-threatening … it’s slow growing and we can patch problem areas.  We finally got a good sleep last night.

I am praying, crying, confused, praying some more, giving thanks, asking questions, trusting and trusting some more … it truly is “the best of times and the worst of times.”

Harry is on pain medication every four hours.  Last night he slept in his big chair because he was having trouble breathing … but he did sleep.

We have made arrangements for a home care nurse to come in and monitor things and answer some of the dozens of questions that I have. Things are in a bit of a jumble.

We’re waiting for word from Edmonton for more radiation. Harry was in terrible shape yesterday but is better today.

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February 13, 2007

We returned home from Edmonton after nearly three weeks. The cancer has spread everywhere, even into his mouth and he can’t even wear his partial plate.  We had rented a car and stayed with Lyn.  The trip to the airport to return the car was a nightmare.  Harry was able to walk inside the building and then collapsed. He looked like he’d aged 10 years. He’s lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks.  Robin was at the airport when we arrived home and had our house lights on and the furnace turned up. It was wonderful.

Today we are in recovery.  We are here safe and sound in our home and God has faithfully watched over us during this rather trying time.