St. Andrew’s Saskatoon

St. Andrew’s, Saskatoon, exists to proclaim the gospel and to share the love of God in our church and in our community.

The real beauty of our church is the people and the mission and ministry that we share. As our sign says, “Come and worship with friendly Presbyterians” and we consider it our mission each Sunday to be an open and welcoming community for members, newcomers, and visitors alike.

We have many programs and groups for different interests and needs. And together we work to reach out in mission beyond our congregation. We support the Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry, the food bank and Friendship Inn, the Egadz Youth Centre, and several other helping agencies in our city. We also give generously to Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service and Development.

Saskatoon is a wonderful place to live, work, worship and serve, and St. Andrew’s is a beautiful community of friendly Presbyterians ready to welcome you whether you are visiting or moving into Saskatoon. Check out our website at

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