Embarrassed by Kairos

I am embarrassed that the Presbyterian Church is even associated with Kairos. Full marks to the Conservative government and Prime Minister Harper for defunding these extremist activists who’ve hijacked the Christian community in order to further their political agenda. Kairos is about promoting their brand of politics, not about helping the poor and needy. If more members of the Presbyterian Church were to sit up and take notice, I sincerely believe they would choose not to apportion any of their offerings to such a group. Sadly, I am reconsidering my involvement with, and attendance in, the Presbyterian Church due to this issue.

Stephen Allen, associate secretary for Justice Ministries, responds:
Kairos’ partners most certainly include the poor. The Sudan Council of Churches helps people in Southern Sudan build foundations for peace, in a region wracked by conflict for decades. Support from Kairos to the Heirs of Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo has involved helping the victims of rape and sexual violence.
Jesus fed the hungry. He cured the ill and the lame. Jesus also said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:9 – 10)