Bullying and You

You probably know about Binky Barnes who is Arthur’s classmate in the Arthur cartoon TV show.  He starts out early in the stories as part of a group (known as “The Tough Customers”) who bully others.  But later, Arthur gets to know Binky and he becomes good friends with him.

On the SpongeBob SquarePants show, there’s Flatts the Flounder who really just wants to be a friend—but he always says that he wants to “kick SpongeBob’s butt” and scares SpongeBob into thinking that Flatts wants to hurt him.  It takes some time but eventually each one comes to a better understanding of the other.


Are there bullies in your school like Flatts or Binky?  In other words, is a bully always a bully?

  • Have YOU ever seen someone being bullied?
  • Have YOU ever been the bully?
  • Have YOU ever been bullied by someone?


What can YOU do if you find yourself in any of these situations?

To be prepared, take time to consider these Bible passages and take these words of Jesus and Paul into your heart.:


Above all, remember that God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

As parents, act on this message every day and teach your children by reading the Bible with them,  by praying with and for them, and by modeling for them the words of Jesus, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7: 12).



1. Pray for the bully.
2. Love the bully. This means that whenever you have a choice to treat the bully well or to treat the bully badly, always choose what is good.
3. Trust God to take care of you in all circumstances.


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