Kids have Feelings too!

Do you sometimes feel like no one acknowledges that you have feelings, or cares that they are? The way a person feels inside is very important. It’s just as important to talk about them. If you don’t talk about your feelings they can become bottled up and create anxiety, conflict or even illness.
Look at what happened with Cain and Abel. Cain felt angry that the Lord accepted Abel’s offering and not his. This led to Cain committing the ultimate sin. Jacob and Esau were in a similar boat – this time Esau’s jealousy caused potentially fatal conflict. Joseph’s brothers turned on him out of resentment and sold him into slavery.
Instead of letting your feelings get the better of you and letting conflict arise, try talking to someone about them. Start with a parent, friend or school counsellor. A great way to initiate this is to suggest a walk, or to throw (or kick) a ball around. Think about someone you might talk to, and what you might say. It’s always better to have someone to share your load with and perhaps even lighten it.