Rewarding Immersion

While I have usually enjoyed David Webber’s contributions, I must suggest that his version of study experience while serving a congregation is not every student’s experience. He rightly blames having too much on his plate and I would suggest a lack of guidance on the part of the school in advising him, but I cannot let him get away with suggesting that “total immersion” is an “empty – headed scheme.”
My own experience of studying Greek via total immersion was hard, but in the end totally rewarding. It took much study to prepare for the classes, and lots of support on the part of my family, but gave me a solid foundation for future ministry.
David’s congregation at that time is to be commended for coming to his aid, for caring enough to “ride with him,” so that he came through the experience successfully. And I might add … to give him fodder for another story.

About Ellen Tabler Lemen, Richmond, B.C.