Sad, Disappointed, Hopeful

Re U.S. Presbyterians to Allow Ordination of Homosexuals, June

I find it sad that the U.S. Presbyterian Church has seen fit to pervert the word of God by accepting practicing homosexual ministers. The Bible clearly and unequivocally condemns homosexual acts (Genesis 1:27 – 28; Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4 – 6; Romans 1:24 – 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10, etc.). The Christian approach to modern – day homosexuality must distinguish between the respect due to persons and the necessary repudiation of any exalted ideology of homosexuality.
Paul Kokoski, Hamilton, ONT.

I rejoice with our American brothers and sisters in this decision. It is with a hopeful heart that I pray that the Presbyterian Church in Canada will demonstrate similar wisdom, clarity and grace soon. I am disappointed that the recent overture to the General Assembly was not entertained and that we are so far behind our brothers and sisters to the south.
Darlene McLeod, Online

Not just the Americans. The Church of Scotland has voted to allow gay ministers (Guardian, May 23, 2011).
Might it be time to discuss the possibility of gay clergy in the Presbyterian Church in Canada? Perhaps.
Rev. Eldon Hay, Sackville, N.S.