Simple Answer

Theology 101, March

Thank you so much for the essays by Joseph McLelland and John Vissers. Throughout recorded history people have been saying, “I will not worship a God who permits earthquakes!” or “Why did God kill my baby!” I know quite a number of atheists who can not define “God” except by “Omnipotence + ability to make 2 + 2 = 3, if He so wishes!” And far too many of our church – goers seem to believe that they must take everything that happens to them as a Lesson from God. Or even those who ask themselves “What Purpose has God for me?” when the answer is simple and obvious: we should be the best sort of person we can be in our circumstances: we should love our neighbours, we should worship God and be confident in God’s love. Worse, perhaps still, are those conceited folk who expect to be “raptured” while the rest of humanity continues to suffer!

About M. Travis Lane, Fredericton, N.B.