Speak Out

In regard to the ongoing homosexual harangue and quotation of scriptures prohibiting the same, I would like to add some quotations that I am sure have inadvertently been overlooked. The following list should help to correct this imbalance. Leviticus 20:10 – 12, 14, 18 and 20. This list provides plenty of room to condemn an even wider segment of the population. How is it that there is no finger – pointing for these misdemeanours which include punishments up to and including death? Is it that they are too close to home, or something the “normal population” participates in and as such are swept conveniently under the carpet? The list of biblical penalties is long and brutal and to select only those we do not understand for punishment seems grossly unfair to say the least. I would like to suggest that to read the Bible literally, a person must of necessity be using a “pick and choose” mind set. We all know (or should know) that biblical quotations selectively pulled out of context can encourage people to act on fears rather than on rationality. Historically we have seen that the Bible was misused for centuries by advocates of slavery to “prove” blacks were inferior. Right up until modern times, these same scriptures were used to keep women silent in church and subservient at home; some denominations still practice that to this very day. To continue to humiliate and demean selective segments of society who need no excuse for who they are (that includes ALL of us) for none of us chose to be male or female, black or white, heterosexual or homosexual, short or tall, and the list goes on. These are things that just “ARE” and as such, are not up for discussion or judgment or exclusion from the human race. There is no deity worthy of the name that would condone such abuse of one another.
I hope that sometime in the future we can all (the church included) respect one another in the nonjudgmental way that the founder would no doubt have expected of us, and maybe get on to some solutions to the REAL problems in this world.

William Jeffrey, Sarnia, Ont.

When we talk about the rights of homosexuals in Ghana, we’re not talking about the right to marry, as we do in the West. We’re talking about their basic human rights. Genocide is strongly implied by Ghana’s recent effort to round up, arrest, and get rid of all homosexuals. Not only will homosexuals be arrested and mistreated if not killed, so will many non – homosexuals. There is no such thing as a reliable homosexuality test. Some people will surely be labeled homosexual and taken away due to unrelated grudges.
Because these actions have been largely caused by the Christian Council of Ghana, and because one of the Christian Council’s most outspoken members is a Presbyterian minister, this massive tragedy falls upon the doorstep of the Presbyterian Church.
I’m aware Presbyterians disagree on some issues, and that in some areas, homosexuals are ordained ministers. I think that’s wonderful. I’m not trying to place blame here so much as I’m trying to call all Presbyterians to recognize your responsibility to use your power to do measurable good. Loving our fellow human beings means more than just talking about and celebrating our spirituality. Sometimes it means fighting, and quite a spirited fight can be made, for love and human rights, with words alone.
I’m calling upon the Presbyterian Church—the church in which I was raised—to please, please speak out against this injustice in the name of a higher ideal. Please do it loudly, publicly and clearly; in your magazines, in your congregations, in your newsletters, in your streets, to your local newspapers, and from your pulpits. Your kinship with Presbyterians and other Christians around the world will make your voices louder than most others.

Currie Bednarick, Windsor, Ont.

At least the U.S. Presbyterians know something of the Bible—Luke 18:3 – 5, this being the fourth time Presbyterians have voted on amendments re sex. But they obviously don’t know what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. See Revelation 22:15 (dogs are a euphemism for a male prostitute); Romans 1:26 – 27; and 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 10. These scriptures can, of course, apply only to practicing homosexuals and lesbians.
However, considering the delicacy of the issue, ordination of homosexuals and lesbians as deacons, elders and ministers, I am surprised that any Christian with that unfortunate orientation would even consider raising the issue. They are obviously more interested in what they consider their right than in the unity of the church.
In closing, read Luke 18:8. With people ignoring the scripture that is what is to be expected.

Gordon MacKintosh, Port Coquitlam, B.C.

The Bible is our guidebook for living. It clearly condemns homosexual activities. There are no Biblical passages which approve of homosexual relations and the sinful practice of dishonouring our bodies. It is noteworthy that Leviticus 20:13 says of the participants in homosexual activity that both have committed an abomination against God.
I pray for the Presbyterian Church in Canada that it will not accept practicing homosexual ministers but will continue to engage morally upright ministers to be our guide. The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a Christian church endeavouring to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. Let’s keep it that way.

Luella Foster, Biggar, Sask.