Some Successes

My friend R. who was a neighbor for years, visits frequently.  She is high on my list of earthly angels and helps me with my computer, (with which I have a love-hate relationship). That machine is like the girl with the curl…”when she was good she was very good, and when she was bad she was horrid.” But I am slowly mastering it. It is a success story.

One day it was our church’s turn to do Meals on Wheels.  At one residence I found an 88 year old celebrating her birthday.  I sang her happy birthday and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.  It is such a little thing to share together but it warmed my whole day.   Maybe I can still make others happy.

Daughter Robin visits and remarks “This is the first time since Dad died that I can smell food in the house.” It is true.  Cooking for one is done mostly in the microwave. But there are days when I actually feel hungry … and I am using the stove again.

I am not yet sure of my role with family or friends.  Being a widow has changed how things are done.  Yet when I express this after being invited to a “couples’ dinner” with friends, they insist they have invited me because they want me there.  I love them for their honesty and understanding.

My appreciation of nature has sharpened.  I have time to see the world with new eyes and today when a robin sang, I joined in the chorus.  God sends so many messages of love.

Yesterday I had a really happy moment. An odd remark perhaps but true happy moments are rare and I miss those private jokes Harry and I shared that had us both in stitches.

We celebrated a 100th anniversary in the church recently. I took on the challenge of heading it up … and it was a success!

My Bible study, with mostly widows, has mornings of insights, tears, laughter and lots of good things to eat.  We care about each other and pray for each other.

Yes, here is where I belong and with God’s help there will be even more successes down the road.