Internet Learnings

Video Game
It’s called, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Normally speaking, religious – based video games are terrible. Usually corny or poorly done, they are presented as Christian alternatives to popular games. But this one is different. Made for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, it was released in August 2011 for the North American market and is winning over gamers and critics alike.
The game’s storyline is inspired by the Deuterocanonical book of Enoch (and quoted in the book of Jude). As the player you are Enoch—a priest searching for seven fallen angels to prevent the end of the world. Assisting you on your quest are four archangels as well as your own guardian angel known as Lucifel.

Truth be told, this is just a waste of time. It’s silly and of no real value whatsoever. But then again, that’s why I love it. It’s called, Answer Me Jesus. On the site is a pink statue of Jesus that works just like that magic 8 – ball you had as a kid … only this one’s online. Just type in your question and wait for your answer. A good friend for anyone stuck in a cubical, Answer Me Jesus can answer any question. Just don’t expect them all to make sense.

The Barna Group
George Barna is a sociologist who used to gather data to assist with marketing and political campaigns. Raised as a Catholic and now a self – proclaimed born – again Christian, he founded the Barna Group, a research team that investigates all things cultural and spiritual. His group publishes hundreds of reports each year. Want to know how facebook is affecting church attendance across the map? They’ve got the answer. Want to know the top five things first – time visitors look for in churches? They’ve got that, too. You can even commission your own research project based on your church, city or anything else you want.

Controversial mega – church pastor Rob Bell recently wrote a book entitled, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. But it’s not the book I’m pitching. In one of numerous interviews, Bell met with Martin Bashir, a Presbyterian and not the usual pushover journalist Bell had expected to schmooze. The interview itself is good and fair and can be found easily on YouTube, but I’ll do you one better. After checking out the interview, search “Martin Bashir – Interviewed about Love Wins” to hear a radio interview recorded and posted online. It may not sound that interesting but trust me—it is.