Cover Contest – Art Director's Note

The December issue is my favourite issue to design—it’s our annual Christmas Art Contest, an issue filled with colourful and original artwork, all created by you, our readers.
In late October, when most people are thinking about pumpkins, I’m already humming Christmas tunes and eagerly waiting to see all the entries we’ve received. (To Amy, our acting managing editor, I sound like a broken record, asking daily, “Did we get any more art today?!”)
Thankfully, and gratefully, we did! Seventy entries to be exact, from artists across the country ranging in ages from four to 90, and in styles ranging from the cutest crayon scribbles from our youngest readers, to gorgeous, highly detailed and refined paintings from some very accomplished older readers.
This is my fifth year working on the December issue, and each and every year I’m astonished by the quality and quantity of submissions we receive—and that makes my job of choosing the coveted cover spot a tough one, indeed.
This year, after long and careful consideration, I chose Bill Richer’s piece of a trumpet – playing angel flying in a star – filled night. The colours are simple yet striking—blues, whites and golds—the composition is nicely balanced, the work has great texture; but, most importantly, the image feels joyful. When I see it, I feel optimistic, calm—it brings me back to my childhood, when Christmas was a magical time of year. Thank you, everyone, for your submissions. Merry Christmas!