The Dirty Word

Re We are Called to be Angels, October
David Harris is a very fine editor but I think he needs to learn more about the foundation of our Presbyterian faith by studying the writings of our own best theologians, such as William Klempa and Joseph McLelland. If he did, he would realize that “evangelism” is not the “dirty” word, but the term “evangelical” is. It has long been associated with conservative or fundamentalist Presbyterians, especially in the United States, and the word has widely narrow connotations.
To add insult to injury, the cover and story is illustrated by a neon “Jesus Saves” in the form of a cross. To me that does not represent the Presbyterian Church, rooted solidly in the Reformed tradition. The Record should have chosen the conversation between Norm Grant and Patrick Voo and used a garden tended by and reaching out to all kinds of people.
That was an excellent article and illustrates the true meaning of evangelism. And did you notice? Neither of these used the term “evangelical.” By calling the Record an “evangelical” magazine, Harris just put us all back into a very narrow and confining box.