And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

It always amazes me that the children you bear can be so terribly different.  Delightful but different.

My eldest is happiest with her nose in a book and my youngest happiest when out in her acreage with the flora and fauna.  I am both a bookworm and a gardener, so they come by these traits honestly.

Both were raised in the church and one attends once in a while, the other hardly ever.  I don’t know what God’s timeline is in their faith journey but they get prayed for every day.

One shows her compassion in her non-critical and fair approach to her fellow workers and her family, (she is so much like her Dad), the other daughter loves her garden and her animals, not even realizing she is reflecting the love of God in both these aspects.

I visited her recently and there were seven small deer at the feeder in her back yard.  We stood at the patio doors, which she opened gently and on her knees called to them, hand outstretched with apple pieces.   And they came, trusting completely.  It was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

My daughters are no longer children in any other eyes but my own.  The imprint of their childhood and teenage years blurs out the beginnings of grey in their hair and the crease lines on their faces and I still see the little girls they once were.

It made me wonder what God sees when he looks at me.


“Who will I be in heaven, Lord?  It often puzzles me
…a tiny babe at Mother’s breast…a child at Daddy’s knee.
Could I be sixteen again, with forgotten golden tresses
Or maybe a grown up twenty, in the latest fashion dresses?
What about a bride again? Now that’s a sight to see
All draped in satin and silk lace, a radiant younger me.
Or a mother, with her tiny tots…life full to overflowing
With yards to tidy, house to clean, a basket full of sewing.
Perhaps I’ll be a Grandma, I think I’d like that best
…little ones on my lap again…books, toys and all the rest.
For I am all these people Lord.  What have you planned for me
When I cross those pearly gates and claim a home with Thee.
I’ve filled so many roles, as I’ve wandered down life’s way.
Who will you see when you look at me?  Will you smile or glance away?
I guess it doesn’t matter what I look like on that day
How I appear…if You are near, you’ll know me and you’ll say.
“Hello there, precious child of mine, come see what’s here for you.”
…and He’ll take my hand and I’ll understand
That all He had said was true.”