Knox-Calvin, Harriston, Ont.

A group of women at Knox – Calvin chose an unusual way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of their church: to knit and crochet prayer shawls. The prayer shawl ministry, a non – denominational venture that began in Hartford, Connecticut, has been providing comfort to people in need since 1998. The Knox – Calvin group meets regularly to put stitches and prayers into their creations, each of which will become a tangible gift of love to someone in need of solace.

Back row from left: Anne Darroch, Willy Grotenhuis, Hazel Friel, Peggy Roger and Colleen Robertson.
Front row from left: Shirley Fulton, Jo Woestenenk, Maria Vanderslikke, Betty Fulton, Mary Stoddart, Marg Dickieson.
Absent from photo are Iris Richardson and June Macdonald.