See The Tricks, Hear The Word

I have been performing magic for more than 25 years, but about two years ago it hit me that I could use my magic to tell the stories locked in the Bible. I was at Hopedale Presbyterian in Oakville, Ont., listening to our minister, Sean Foster deliver a story during the children’s time. In the back of my mind I was thinking, I have a magic illusion that would compliment that message. A couple of days later, I was about to perform that same illusion for a secular audience and my mind went back to that Sunday’s service. I then made a list of illusions and the Bible story they would compliment. My gospel magic act was finally born on a Thursday night with a telephone call from my brother-in-law. Their church was planning to have a magician perform that Sunday; however, the magician cancelled at the last minute. Don’s telephone call to me was twofold: First, were my wife and I able to come out to Greenbank United on Sunday, and could I perform for the congregation? Secondly, was there any possibility that I could incorporate a church message into the presentation? I spent the next two days creating a 15-minute “gospel magic” performance for that Sunday. I now have about 30 magic illusions that I perform at special services, Vacation Bible Schools, or even in place of a traditional sermon.

For example, in Acts 2:1-41 we read about Pentecost and learn about the Trinity. For this illusion, I tie together three lengths of red, blue and white rope, which I then bundle around my hand. I explain that I can’t understand how God can be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How can He be one God, yet three persons at the same time? However, all I need to do is remember that everything is possible for God. At this point I unravel the rope. Now instead of three pieces tied together, it is one solid piece of rope with red, white and blue segments. Just as this rope is one piece of three colours, God can be the Father, Son and Holy Ghost all at the same time.

People often ask me, what is a gospel magician? A gospel magician serves his or her faith community by performing magic illusions that reach people with a message. The illusions are tools they use as they labour to advance in the work of the Kingdom of God, and to help people understand the gospel truths. Music, writing, singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry have all been used to the glory of God throughout Christian history. Magic illusions are simply another art form that can honour God.

Some may disagree with performing magic in church, but as a gospel magician, I use the art of magic to bear witness to Christ’s sacrifice.

People cannot believe a message to which they have not been exposed. Those who don’t believe tend to stay away from places and events where they will be exposed to God’s message. Therefore, ministries must not only find ways to explain spiritual truth, they must find ways to attract people to situations where it is presented. Gospel magic helps solve this problem.

Scott Hood performs illusions to teach the gospel message.
I remember one Halloween at our house that emphasized this lesson for me. Every Halloween, I use my magic props to produce the candy that we distribute. That year I used a magic tube to change a silk streamer into candy. A group of about four young men came to the door wanting to see a trick. One of the boys suddenly remembered seeing me at his church and said I used that same tube to tell them some Bible stories. It was nice to know that I had made an impression, and it was reassuring to think that maybe this ministry was working. Later it dawned on my wife and me that I may have even started to give someone a sense of church and community. Who knows?

People who don’t care to hear a sermon may still find a trick extremely interesting. My hope is that they will come to see the mystery of the magic, and in the process hear the good news about Jesus Christ.

About Scott Hood

Scott Hood counts himself blessed for being able to perform magic while telling Bible stories through his “See the Tricks, Hear the Word” gospel magic program. He can be contacted at