Planning ahead

I think it’s safe to say that most of us plan ahead.  Some of you reading this will already have a summer vacation planned.  Some of you have a retirement plan – be it sooner or later!  Other readers will plan to have a cup of coffee when they get up tomorrow, and that’s as far as it goes.  (Maybe those are the retired ones!)  I’d like to think I’m somewhere in the middle; parts of my life are better planned than others, and I’m probably not alone there either.  On any given day I might have trouble planning supper, but I could also tell you what I have in mind for St. Andrew’s choir to sing 3 weeks from now.  The photo is what my table looked like in the midst of organizing for the weeks after Easter.

A couple weeks ago I was feeling pretty good about myself and all my planning.  I’ve been practising up a storm, getting ready to record CD #2 in about three weeks and that has meant thinking about Advent and Christmas music in addition to Easter music all through March and into April.  I admit to feeling a little smug about how well I thought I was pulling that off until I ate lunch with a friend who is a magazine editor and is also working on a ‘months ahead’ schedule.  I realized I was not as unique as I thought and began considering all those who might be living in a different season from the calendar because of their work.  Choral and keyboard composers, magazine editors and resource writers are a few examples of those who are busy thinking about and writing material for us to use months from now.

The CD?  You want to know what pieces will be on it?  Well, if you look closely at the sticky notes on the top two books, and if you can decipher my scrawl, you might just be able to see some titles.  Otherwise, you’ll have to plan to wait until about November!