The Spoken Word

I sat beside a lady in the doctor’s office this week.  We both had our noses buried in books, knowing it would be at least a half hour before we were called. (It was actually a full hour.)  Across the room sat two teenagers.  Their faces were glued to their cell phones.  I have never seen such concentration!

Patients waiting for doctors seldom do more than nod to each other but the lady beside me looked up from her book, shook her head and remarked about how the world had changed.

I agreed.  If I had been a teenager sitting in an office with a friend we would have been whispering together non-stop.  I hope the future generation will not lose the art of verbal communication…it has so many pleasures for both sender and recipient.

A friend of mine shared that with the present communication aids, God’s word is everywhere in the world.  I hope it is spoken as well as read.  I am finding that “speaking “about my faith has been so enriching and there is a good deal of bonding when things are shared verbally.  Language use has its own rewards. What can be more heart-warming than a child’s firsts attempts to say mommy and daddy?

Today I visited a lovely park we have in the city.  As usual I was alone, but was so enamored by the beauty of the autumn leaves that I actually stopped the car and called out to a young lady with three small children, “Isn’t it a beautiful day?”  She seemed initially startled by my question then smiled and agreed.  The kiddies all loosened up and smiled and waved.

We have little ones so frightened nowadays that they are scared to smile at a stranger…even ones with wrinkles and white hair.  Their little hellos and grins made my morning for me.

I love this new world that I am part of but sometimes I do miss the good old days when you spoke to everyone you met, but I have decided to be brave and be myself.  I am sure there will be rejections down the road, but mostly I expect a returned hello when I surprise someone with a smile and maybe I’ll be rewarded as I was today, with the winsome smile and a sweet hello from one of God’s greatest gifts to us…the gift of a small child.