Childlike Understanding

The last time I decided to change my TV provider I came close to having a nervous breakdown.  I am not electronically minded and changing light bulbs is about the limit of my expertise.

I have finally mastered some of the “new” attributes the program has but playing movies is not one of them.  I intend to learn all about it the next time my TV expert friend comes over for coffee.

A month ago my 14-month-old great grandchild was visiting.  I was well prepared with a bag full of toys, dolls and even bubble liquid and wands.   Surely that would keep that little live wire occupied.

Her mother knew better and Mimi was allowed to watch her portable DVD machine fifteen minutes a day. It is a neat machine about 7 inches wide.  She loved it and at the press of a button little cartoon characters would pop up and talk.

After they left, I remembered I had been given one of those little portable DVDs as a gift a while back. With my new, big TV I hadn’t paid much attention to it.  I glanced at the book of instructions, turned the thing upside down, sideways and finally found the release button to open it.  Plugging it in was easy but for the life of me I couldn’t find the button to turn it on.  How was it possible that that little girl could not only turn it on, but make it go to repeat, without the nervous twitches I was having?

Finally I found a tiny button on the front and in seconds there was a movie…a very tiny movie, right in front of my eyes. Amazing!

Recently, someone questioned me on the authenticity of scripture.  “After all,” she said, “it was written and re-written so many times.”

I explained it was divinely inspired and we needed to accept that there may be small discrepancies but the inspiration and message was from God.

I’m not sure if my simple explanation satisfied her, but it recognized that sometimes we complicate things unnecessarily.  That was my problem when I picked up that DVD player.  I was sure there would be lots of buttons to push before I would master it.  My great granddaughter never considered that…her Mom had fixed it up and so she only had to push one button to get it going.

We too complicate our relationship with God sometimes.  We don’t necessarily have to read profound books, discuss scriptural implications or do complicated studies.  God says…I have sent my Son…LISTEN…I will speak to your heart…and you don’t even have to push an “on” button.