In the Bleak of Winter

Re In the Bleak of Winter

I found the article “In the Bleak of Winter” by Rev. David Webber poetically brought to flower conjuring up beautiful imagery. Thanks rosily, but I have to get the last bloom in. My Floribunda pink rose was caught showing off but gracefully on October 23, 2011 in my garden oasis in Perth, Ont. (see photo) Sorry to his wife Linda north of the 52nd parallel. And yes, that pop philosophy “everything happens for a reason” needs to be pruned out. To me and many others it’s like saying you have a booboo and a kiss will make it better. Grrrrr…

Reverend David Webber’s poignant ending “God in his grace has hold of my life in a kind of way that no experience be ever wasted and every experience I will have I will be prepared for” should be chiselled into bright rosy marble and filled with lead as a philosophical sculpture on life and meaningful survival.