Much to Offer Still

Re: Taking off the Robe

I for one and there must surely be many more retired ministers who warmly applaud Rev. Hugh Appel for his article “Taking off the Robe” in January’s issue of our denominational magazine. Like him I have often considered it most strange that we retirees were required to remove ourselves from a meeting when Presbytery had to meet “in camera”. What had we done or failed to do to be excluded from a meeting dealing with certain highly personal and confidential matters? Excluded from a meeting of a Presbytery in which we had served for a considerable number of years. What then is the rationale behind this ruling? I’d like to know and am sure others would appreciate an explanation.

We retirees, most of us at any rate, do wish to be involved and so be useful to the work of Christ’s kingdom within the P.C.C. My ordination in Scotland was in 1955. I officially retired in 1996 and since then have been active in ‘pulpit supply”, in attendance at Presbytery and for four years as Interim Minister. I, like some others, believe we still have much to offer to the work and witness of our denomination and continue to offer our experience of many years in the hope that it will prove beneficial to those who are not yet of retirement age.

Thank you brother Hugh for bringing this matter into the light of day.

About Rev'd. William W. H. Baird (Bill), Keene, ON