Trust in the Pilot

“Scared spit-less” is how I would describe how I felt when I looked over the edge of the rim I was clutching with white-knuckled fingers.

The invitation to take the ride was a dream of a lifetime and my affirmative answer seemed a long time ago.

“You’re white as a sheet; I’ll get you home, don’t worry,” the pilot of the craft announced.  Who wouldn’t be scared? I was sitting 30 feet off the ground hanging in space, supported by a wicker basket.

Thus was my first and only experience in riding a hot air balloon. And what an experience it was…we even flew over my house.  It looked quite small and even the large back yard that I spent hours taming was tiny.

It made me realize that in the big picture of things, my priorities were perhaps a little skewed.  The house and yard were important but there was a lot of world out there if I would just step out of the back yard.

The rest of the ride was a wonderful experience and one I won’t ever forget.

I recall when I first decided to become a hospital volunteer.  I’d never entered the hospital doors before and I felt just about as nervous as my first balloon flight.  But, someone kindly showed me the volunteer office and it changed my whole life…for the first time I saw another world and although I was “scared spit-less” the first few days, I found that the patients in hospital beds were scared too and with a few cheery words we both felt a lot better.  After nearly 30 years of volunteering I am comfortable walking into rooms, offering a drink or a magazine or just a few minutes chat.  And I have loved it.

Scripture says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart”.  Sometimes that “pilot” is an earthly one but it is usually our “heavenly pilot” that is asking for our trust.

Sometimes it is a pretty scary situation and sometimes just an everyday event.   He’ll not desert us…even if we are completely off the ground in some situations.  Trusting our “heavenly pilot” is always the safest thing to do.