Changes to Assembly

The Assembly after much discussion yesterday decided we will try a new format for meeting next year. The Assembly will meet between Friday and Monday instead of the traditional Sunday to Thursday dates. After great discussion, the commissioners asked that Sunday be recognized as the Lord’s day and that worship and rest be considered while planning the next Assembly’s activities. This new format will be challenging in many ways as the time period of meeting will be shortened significantly. The Assembly Council will have a difficult task ahead of them trying to fit in all that is needed for the Assembly.

One of the reasons behind the decision for new timing for Assembly was to allow for a greater cross section of elders to be represented at the Assembly. The hope is that those who are often unable to attend Assembly due to work circumstances may have a greater chance to attend. We also hope that the church can have a greater cross section of ages represented which are found within our church.

As a commissioner at this year’s Assembly, I am one of the younger voting members. I was more aware of this age breakdown at this Assembly than I was at the last Assembly I attended. I do not know if that is good or bad but as I look to the Young Adult Representatives for their view I am reminded that no matter our age we need to walk together in service for our Lord. We must be willing to truly get behind the theory that we are a thinking church and be willing to share that with others. That I realize is not always easy.

As Presbyterians, we are called to love and serve the Lord and to do this we must be willing to walk on the edge and be prepared to jump to the crossing to meet up with God. So fellow Presbyterians let us embrace the opportunity before us. As we learned in our lengthy sederunts with International Affairs and the Life and Mission Agency at the podium that is easier said than done.

Let us together pray for those we feel compassion for, let us learn more about the conflicts in Syria, Israel and Palestine and let us embrace the chance to study differences in belief in Christian Zionism from Christianity. Let us be open to the need for Truth and Reconciliation for our friends who have suffered and may we always walk humbly with our Lord.

May the thinking church be not afraid to think and learn as we walk on the edge.