Inside General Assembly as a YAR

Can I just say this has been a very enlightening week. There are so many things that go on during General Assembly. Until you actually experience one, you may never know about it. As a Young Adult Representative (YAR), I’ve now seen a lot of these things. For one thing, who knew there were so many committees? I sure didn’t. You even need a committee to nominate people to a committee… does it ever end?

It’s been a wonderful learning experience to see just how the church’s decisions are made. On our very first night, they sat us down and explained exactly how to make a motion, vote on an amendment, and defer a conversation to a later time. In simple terms (which is what we needed to begin with): It starts with a suggestion. From there, you can suggest a change to the original suggestion, then even make a suggestion to THAT suggestion. Then if there are things that need to be thought about more, it can be sent to a committee or moved to another meeting. Then they went and threw the word “sederunt” at us. Want to know how to stump 12 young adults? Ask them to tell you what that is. For the YARs of 2012 it means sitting in uncomfortable chairs, listening to the commissioners all around us debating the issues we only get an advisory vote on.

The Ecumenical presentations we have been given this week have been truly amazing. I don’t know how many times this week we’ve been told that “You are not the church of the future, you are now.” If that was true, they would give us a vote that actually counts towards a decision. Have it be an advisory vote before the rest of the commissioners but include it in the end result.

This week has been an amazing opportunity to meet other young adults from across the country. We’ve formed quite a bond between us. God is calling us to behold the amazing work he has done this week, and I’m very grateful for this experience.
I do believe that’s all I have to say… for now…

God Bless.

About Kaitlyn Lamont

Kaitlyn Lamont is a young adult representative from the Presbytery of Ottawa.