YAR experience at General Assembly 2012

This year is my first time being part of the general assembly. I am what is called a YAR, or young adult representative. Being in grade 11, and only 17 years old, i am along with one other YAR, the youngest or second youngest person at the assembly even among the YARs. Even so, it has been an amazing experience so far! all the YARs are kinda almost like family already (well thats what i think at least) and the fellowship is amazing not only between our group of YARs, but also between everybody else at the assembly which is quite an amazing thing to see, people from all over the country coming together to worship. Overall, it has been a very interesting and fun experience!

About Giles Alexander Meloche

Giles Alexander Meloche is a young adult representative from the Presbytery of Essex-Kent.