Of Perks and Parenting

Blowing out all the candles on my birthday cake has become impossible task for me, so nowadays we keep it down to one large candle.  Regardless of what some my say…I am not full of hot air.

But growing older does have some wonderful perks and being “Gigi” to my great grandchildren is a new perk I am really enjoying.

I loved being a grandma so much and the kids always stayed with us several weeks each summer.  Those holidays together are some of my favorite memories.

But the visits from the great grandchildren are much cherished also.  They get bathed in the old enamel bathtub I had for their grandma and I had even bathed their Dad in it when he was a baby.

You sort of forget the laughter of little ones, splashing and grinning and the joy of lifting their little wiggling, wet bodies and wrapping them in a warm towel.  Joy, sheer joy!

I am enraptured by them.  Toby rolls on the floor, hooting away, just having fun and little Mimi, far more serious walks over to her mother and sticks out her tongue.  No, she is not being rude, she has a small hair on her tongue and knows that Moms can do anything.  And mothers seem to know instinctively what the problem and the solution is.  Mimi is completely confident in this.  Mom has never failed her.

I guess the Lord asks for the same kind of confidence in Him.  Of course our problems are bigger than a small hair in our mouth.  Maybe it was a whole mouthful of hair.  I have often felt like that when I tried to get out of the trouble my big mouth had got me into.

God is as patient with me as Mimi’s Mom is with her.  No wonder it says in Jeremiah 3:19: “…The Lord says…I wanted you to call me father.”  He recognized the parent relationship as one of trust and confidence and He wanted the same relationship with us.

“Come here, Mimi, Gigi will read you a story.”  I lift her up and can feel the love between the two of us as she sits on my knee and looks expectantly into my face.

God so wants that relationship with us.  We just have to have the trust and the faith that a little child has.