Acts of Kindness at Knox Graduation

The unconditional love of Christ is alive and well among the professors and May 9 graduates in theology from Knox College University of Toronto.

This bodes well for the future of the Presbyterian Church going on into the 21st. century!

The many acts of kindness I felt during my own graduation from Ewart Centre for Lay Education, Knox, after completing Level One of the Christian Faith and Life program are a well spring of Christian love. This love was manifested to me—a 77 year old now walking with a cane—from the warm smiles and hugs I received upon arrival from Susan Sheridan, co-coordinator, to chairs offered in lines for pictures and to enter Convocation Hall. Knox Principal, Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon brought the certificate presentation group down the platform stairs to present certificates to Lay Education graduates in the aisle because I had stumbled and almost crashed coming down the stairs with my cane at the afternoon rehearsal. Christian love was everywhere. An arm was offered me as I climbed stairs. A South Korean family member of a graduate gave me a bouquet of flowers. I had none, having opted for a graduation bottle of Scotch from my son who attended my graduation. A colleague and her teenage daughter traveled to convocation to help me celebrate. A young South Korean appeared out of nowhere holding an umbrella over my head as I walked to convocation rehearsal in the pouring rain.

We hear so much about declining Church attendance and the mortification of the Church these days. On May 9 at Knox Convocation the unconditional love of Christ filled Convocation Hall, burst the walls and is pouring out into Canada and the world through these graduates. Just think, this whole story started 2012 years ago with God in Jesus and twelve disciples. Just thinks what these 141 graduates can do in the 21st century.

God is with you grads. I know you are strong and loving enough to meet the challenges of the 21st. century. I was there May 9. I felt it in and from you. God is with you. Don’t let the devil get you down.


About Catherine Walton, St. Catharines, ON